
Hey, I'm Skylar, a kid aspiring to become a competent programmer. This blog is here to detail my dabbles in development.

My dream is to one day become a professional programmer and do some game development in my spare time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you'll come back!


Audio Manager = done!

Well after a few days, it's finally done. Sorry it took so long, I've been pretty lazy.

So basically here's how it works: There's two abstractions CMusic and CSound (Mix_Music and Mix_Chunk).

Sound holds a channel, and volume, and music just holds volume (other than the actual piece of audio, that is).

You can call methods from them, which in-turn, call methods from the AudioManager. The AudioManager acts as a 'messenger' between SDL_mixer and the two abstractions. It performs checks on the various data of the abstractions, and then calls the appropriate SDL_mixer method.

It works great as of now, but I may add more later.

So now there's one last thing I will definitely get finished, and that is the Debug 'Manager'. I just want it to have functions to print to file and the screen. It will have it's own CText object to use TTF to print to screen. I also want to create some way to bound text to a rectangle, so that I can specify a specific rectangle, and the text will automatically be formatted to fit in the rectangle.

So after that, I'll definitely be having a code cleanup, and I'll implement Debugging code in many places (I have it set up already, I just gotta add the method call).

After that, I will decide to make a bitmap font engine and/or a GUI portion. At the moment, I'm really hesitant for the bitmap font engine, but slightly enthusiastic about the GUI 'module'.

Well I'm going to stop talking now, and hit the sack... Night Guys...

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