
Hey, I'm Skylar, a kid aspiring to become a competent programmer. This blog is here to detail my dabbles in development.

My dream is to one day become a professional programmer and do some game development in my spare time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you'll come back!


Emphasis on Design =(

Well, I added in the last two enemies. Problem is, I can't do what I want to do with their AI strictly because of design. I've tried to make little ways around it, but I'll have to recode from the ground up to add in what I need. So for now Charge is on Hiatus, for the time being, I'll be reading Code Complete 2nd Ed, and Programming Game AI by Example. Hopefully I'll get some Charge REDESIGN done. I'm hoping to just do alot of design in my freetime, start making some UML flow charts and stuff so then everything is easy to translate to code.

The biggest thing I'm finding I need to implement, though, is a 'message' handler. This way, I can have the message handler be a singleton, and have it dispatch messages to each object. Each object would contain an ID, so the sender and reciever can be known. This way, when a bullet is coming to hit a mothership, the mothership can send a message to the protectors, and then they can take a bullet for the mothership.

So I'm finding a lot of useful things from this book, so I reccommend you check it out.

Well that's my short post for now, hopefully I'll find time to get something done.

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