
Hey, I'm Skylar, a kid aspiring to become a competent programmer. This blog is here to detail my dabbles in development.

My dream is to one day become a professional programmer and do some game development in my spare time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you'll come back!


Charge On Hiatus Temporarily...

I'm starting to work on my entry for LusikkaMage's (AKA Moosader, Rachel, etc) Unintuitive Physics competition.

The reason I won't be working on Charge, is because every time I have a project using my framework, I tend to change things with my framework to improve it. If I do that with two separate projects, then there will be problems because I'll have two separate versions, which both have important changes that the other doesn't have.

I really want to avoid this, so I'm just going to try to as quickly as possible get my entry done, then move the changes back.

But rest assured, I doubt this will happen again. As soon as I'm done with my entry, I'll begin working on the MusicBank, and Text System. Once those are done, I'll compile the framework into a lib.

So my entry, for any that don't know, is going to be called Unintuitive Pickin' Slime. It's nothing special. Basically, every 5 seconds a new slime will spawn. For each slime you collect, you get a point, but each slime has an effect. Gravity will change directions, your controls will be swapped, directional speed will change, etc.

The graphics will suck. As of now, the player is only a simple ball. And I probably won't do anything else with it graphics wise. I would love to add animations, and the like, but I'm imagining the problems, and how much time I have to complete the game, and I don't really want to go that in-depth for something such as this.

Once I finish the first iteration (hopefully today), I'll make a video. But that's all for now I suppose, later.

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