Labels: Low Level Programming , Scripting , Technical Programming , Unity , 1 comments
Well, I figured the more I post, the more I'll inspire myself to get some work done :D. I haven't really finished anything that I can show off yet. I've been digging through and refactoring code. With all the work I'm putting in, it would seem Charge is going to be practically rewritten by the time I'm done with it.
Well, I apologize for my lack of posts in the last month or so. I've been quite busy rambling about. But now I have tons of inspiration built up inside. I'm finding I have a big issue balancing game programming with gaming. I love programming, but I don't play games often. I believe as I program games, it's equally as important to play them. Playing games is what sparks the desire, and inspires, so without it, I burn out quite fast.
Well I'm now reading a book called Game Coding Complete. It's about 900 pages or so, and I love it. Lately I haven't really gotten anything tangible done, so I haven't been posting =/. I have been writing down a lot of different ideas to implement AI in Charge, but theres a few kinks I can't seem to get around. There's a chapter on AI on Game Coding Complete, and I still have about half of Programming Game AI By Example to read, so I'm hoping between those, I'll find some intelligent solutions.
Well I'm pretty sure there's some stuff I forgot to mention in my last post!
Well I've been thinking a lot about Charge, and I think I'm finally starting to get to a good point with the AI.
So I worked again on Charge today, and I finished something =D.
Sorry for the delay! I was on vacation for practically two weeks. But now I'm back and refreshed; ready to code!
So hey, go check my youtube channel to watch my new SDL Video Tutorials! I have two up so far, with a third already made. But I'm running into a problem.
Well I got some work done on UPS, so here's what I've done:
Well, someone on the Elysian Shadows posted an OpenGL app a little while back, and I tried to run it without even thinking.
Well, I got the bouncing working right (or wrong I should say, because it's 'unintuitive'), and I also successfully created two players.
Well, today is the last day of my Junior year of Highschool, I have a Spanish 3 final to take, and then my Junior year is officially over.
I just posted a new video on youtube showing Iteration 1 of my entry to Moosader's Unintuitive Physics Competition. Hopefully soon, I'll have iteration 2, which should have much more to show off =D!
I'm starting to work on my entry for LusikkaMage's (AKA Moosader, Rachel, etc) Unintuitive Physics competition.
Well, for the past few days, I've been trying to get my framework to support reading in an ini file for configuration properties such as window width and height.
Well, since you couldn't tell from the last screen shot, I'll tell you that it was starting to get laggy. Every new bullet, and every new enemy each had it's own surface, which is quite ridiculous I must say. So right now, I'm adding a resource manager to my framework.
Background filepathCount 5Enemy 4 100 20Enemy 3 100 40Enemy 2 200 60Enemy 5 300 50Enemy 1 120 50
Well, I've been terribly busy this week, and I probably will be all of next week, but even if I don't have time to code, I do still think about how I'm going to implement different things all the time.
So maybe you noticed, I changed the blog template. I got sick of the dark theme of the last one, so I chose one that was a bit lighter.
Anyways, the current ideas rambling around in my head are regarding Players and Weapons.
First of all, I'm now using a position vector + width/height variables instead of a rect, which makes a few things a bit simpler.
Also, I've removed the IDs from Entities. Seeing as I'm using a list (No random iteration) to hold the entities, the ID would become virtually useless, and would serve no purpose.
Anyways, so onto the rambling thoughts. So I'm at a friend's house right now, and don't have access to any IDE, and I don't feel like downloading one on his computer. He's playing Call of Duty MW2 at the moment, and I'm rambling on =D.
So with players, I definitely want to make it at least two player co-op, but I may add more. To do this, I wanted to make it quite easy to create player control schemes. In my other games, I simply hard coded the different controls in, and it wasn't the slightest bit graceful.
To accomplish this, I'm going to have the player hold 5 SDLKeys, 4 for the standard directions, and the 5th for shooting.
I'll of course have some keys blocked such as ESC and 'p' (which will be used for exiting and pausing). So with that I'll be sitting pretty.
The other thing I've really been thinking about is the WeaponSystem, and how it will work. I've decided that all Entities will be registered into the EntitySystem. The EntitySystem will Update and Render everything. Alongside the EntitySystem will be the PlayerSystem, which will handle input for any players. The WeaponSystem will be invoked via the PlayerSystem or AI. When invoked (e.g. when player or enemy decides to shoot), the WeaponSystem will initialize the bullets, based on a flag. This flag will dictate what type of weapon that Actor currently holds, and will create the correct bullets/weapon accordingly. Then the bullets themselves will be updated/rendered via the EntitySystem.
So I'm really excited for this, since everything seems to be falling into place nicely =D!
As I said, here's the post where I'm going to talk about my second attempt at a shooter (quite the same one, really).
Well, school really picked up again, I'm trying to maintain that 4.5 GPA, and I just have a lot to do. But I keep coming back, because I want to maintain this blog in some way.
Well I finally wrapped it all up in a namespace, and have decided to call it 'ForceFrame'. I've been keeping up with the tutorials, and I might attempt to make another today.