Back from Vacation!
Sorry for the delay! I was on vacation for practically two weeks. But now I'm back and refreshed; ready to code!
So I have two projects I'm working on right now:
a New Framework...
Now you might be wondering why I'm making yet ANOTHER framework.
Well this framework is different! A friend and I will both be working on it, and we intend it to be a high level library. So basically it will consist of 5 basic 'cores':
System Core
Input Core
Video Core
Audio Core
Network Core
And these cores will be virtual, so that different implementations can exist. All the base cores will be stored in a Platform namespace, and then any implementation would be stored in another namespace; Then there'd be lines like this:
Platform::BaseVideoCore = new Platform::VideoCore();
And at the top of a certain file, you'd do something such as:
namespace Windows = Platform;
So that your VideoCore class in Windows namespace can now be called through the platform namespace.
This way you can use the same code throughout.
My friend and I want to make some sort of top down game with it, and make PC and iPhone implementations.
I'll be working on the PC implementation using SDL, OpenGL, and perhaps DevIL to load images (but I'm thinking of just sticking with the SDL_image extension).
Well, back to Charge stuff! I fixed up the problems with the framework. There were just a few issues with not asserting pointers to make sure they had a valid value. Now that it's all fixed, Charge development can continue. I remember outlining what I had planned next for Charge, so I'll go back and check that out, and then start working. But for tonight I'm done, so peace =D