
Hey, I'm Skylar, a kid aspiring to become a competent programmer. This blog is here to detail my dabbles in development.

My dream is to one day become a professional programmer and do some game development in my spare time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you'll come back!


Coding Has Commenced!

So, I've gotten through tons of design and now I'm ready to start coding.

Instead of creating my ApplicationSystem inside my main function, I have now made it global. This way each Entity can easily get the dimensions of the window, so that they can check for themselves, if they are outside or not.

So I have an ActorSystem, which holds the PlayableSystem. The PlayableSystem updates and renders playable characters. The Playable class holds an array of 5 SDLKeys, so it's easy to define another player =D!

As of now, the WeaponSystem allows 10 bullets (I haven't programmed anything besides normal bullets).

My next task that awaits is to create the enemy base class, and create some type of enemy. Then I will code the EnemySystem and make sure everything works with some sync.

After that, I will need to make a CollisionSystem, which will take a reference to the PlayableSystem, and EnemySystem (both contained in the ActorSystem), and check for collisions between them.

I'm thinking I'll check collisions in this order:

-Playables vs. Enemies
-Playable Bullets vs. Enemies
-Playables vs Enemy Bullets
-Playable Bullets vs Enemy Bullets

After that, I'll probably shape the LevelSystem which will be real simple. I plan for it to have a background, and scroll that background, to give a nice little effect. I also want it to load in levels from files, which will contain the background, and information regarding enemies.

I definitely want to start extending the Playable Class after I make the LevelSystem. I'll make health and/or lives, not sure which yet.

Then I'll start creating different types of weapons, and make sure it's all compatible with the WeaponSystem.

So that's the only update I have for now! Until Next Time!

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