
Hey, I'm Skylar, a kid aspiring to become a competent programmer. This blog is here to detail my dabbles in development.

My dream is to one day become a professional programmer and do some game development in my spare time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you'll come back!


I haven't forgotten!

Well, I've been terribly busy this week, and I probably will be all of next week, but even if I don't have time to code, I do still think about how I'm going to implement different things all the time.

So as I think I have said I want to implement the EnemySystem next. But to implement the EnemySystem, I need to implement an Enemy base class. But the Enemy base class needs to have a StateMachine, and the StateMachine needs to have a base state.

So For now, I'm reviewing Programming Game AI by Example to get ideas for a 'universal' base state class and state machine. Once I implement these, I need to think more about how AI will work before I implement the enemy base class. I'm thinking that I'll just have States made specifically for each type of enemy, so that lower leveled enemies can't use them, OR make universal states for each type of enemy, and then have a specified AI level for each enemy.

But that's what's going on now... Life's real hectic with the band, Prom, SATs, standardized tests, and everything else I have going on... But I'll definitely be putting a lot of thought into it, so that when I DO go to program, I get a lot done =D

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